This is the pattern I created to make my bustle skirt. You can use it as is, or change it up a little.
These instructions are super detailed, I'm basically walking you through what I learned along the way, so skip ahead if you're comfortable with some of these steps.
Decide where you want the waistband to sit - at your waist or hips, and measure that circumference + add a little bit for seams. I wanted mine closer to my hips and I wanted to use a tab-over belt-like closure to make it adjustable and add a little rustic flare, so I added a few inches to my hip measurement (42"). If you want to use a zipper or something else, you won't want to add that extra tab.
I wanted the skirt to come all the way round in the front and then to have extra layers on the bum. I also wanted my skirt to be about 18" long (finished length), with three ruffles on top of the full base skirt. In general, to make ruffles, you want to cut the rectangle to be at least 3 times as wide as the thing you're attaching it to, or wider to get adequate puff. Thus, the full skirt width is 3 x 42 = 126". The other three ruffles just sit on the bum, thus only go about 1/2 way round the waistband: 42/2 = 21 x 3 = 63". You don't have to be too exact about this though.
Then to create the layered effect, the ruffles should be different lengths, I just divided it out equally. Full skirt = 20", and the other three = 15", 10", 5".
I wanted the skirt to come all the way round in the front and then to have extra layers on the bum. I also wanted my skirt to be about 18" long (finished length), with three ruffles on top of the full base skirt. In general, to make ruffles, you want to cut the rectangle to be at least 3 times as wide as the thing you're attaching it to, or wider to get adequate puff. Thus, the full skirt width is 3 x 42 = 126". The other three ruffles just sit on the bum, thus only go about 1/2 way round the waistband: 42/2 = 21 x 3 = 63". You don't have to be too exact about this though.
Then to create the layered effect, the ruffles should be different lengths, I just divided it out equally. Full skirt = 20", and the other three = 15", 10", 5".

On each layer (full base skirt and 3 ruffle layers) one at a time, sew across the top of the fabric. Use a straight, long stitch and DON'T do the backwards stitch at the beginning and end that you'd normally do to keep your stitch from coming undone. Once you've sewn the length, pull on either the top or bottom thread on each side, and you'll see that your fabric starts to bunch. You might want to try this on a scrap first if you've never done it before (I did). The great thing about doing ruffles this way (as opposed to methodically pinning or pleating) is that is easy, fast, and flexible - you can make the ruffle as tight as you want. The other thing you have to make sure of is not to screw up your stitch. If you run out of thread halfway through or something, you won't be able to ruffle it properly. So, do this stitch & ruffle the full base skirt and 3 ruffle layers.

So, fold your waistband in half, so that it's 42" by 4", press (iron). Cut a piece of interfacing to the same dimensions - 42" x 4", stick it in between your folded waistband & press. The interfacing will adhere to one side to the waistband... I guess only one side of the interfacing is 'meltable'??
Next, pin the whole kitten caboodle together. I did this in stages so I could make sure I did it right. I pinned all the ruffles together + full base skirt. Then I pinned the little 2" piece on top.
Folding the waistband back the other way, you can see what the finished product looks like from the right side.
On the other side (the inside, the side against your body), you need to sew the waistband down to the ruffles as well. But I didn't want to do it on the machine because I didn't want the stitch to show through the outer side. So I hand sewed it, just catching the ruffles, and not going all the way through. Then folded & pressed in the ends of the waistband & sewed those by hand as well.
I don't have a photo of it, but next I tried it on, pinned it roughly where I wanted it to close. I then draped it over a chair, and cut the outline of the full base skirt. I wanted it long in back and short in front. I just did it by eye, don't worry about having a messy edge, you'll 'hem' it and put lace over it. Just make sure you get the shape you want and that it lines up well with the other ruffles. Then do the same thing you did with the ruffles - press a 'seam' on the bottom edge of the full base skirt, pin, and sew the lace all the way around.
You're pretty much done now! Do whatever kind of closure you want. To do the belt-like closure, I cut out some leather I had - 2 layers thick for each strap - sewed the pieces together then sewed them to the waistband of the belt (being very careful to try it on several times & line it all up right to my hips). Then I sewed the buckles onto the other half of the waistband to line up with the leather parts. These buckles just hold by friction, so there was no need to punch holes in them like a traditional belt.
The last thing I did was to sew a tiny dart into the back of the waistband because it stood up a bit away from my body too much. I think if you made a smaller (2" instead of 4") waistband, you might not have this problem. The dart was no problem, but it does leave an unsightly (in my opinion) seam in the back that I'm thinking of covering with a ribbon flower or bow.
Alright, rock out! Your done!! Pair with your favorite fishnets, corset, and boots!
I'm trying to puzzle it through, but could you tell me what the 2" piece of fabric is for exactly? Thanks for the awesome tutorial! I'm so making a couple of these! :)
ReplyDeletethe little 2" piece is to make a bit of lace stick out between the waistband & the top ruffle (see photo 2)... I know there's a better/easier way to do that but this was a very quick pattern!
ReplyDeleteits also not totally necessary, just adds more lace :)